Wednesday, 12 November 2014

RSNO Work Experience: Chloe Hooper, St Ninian's High School, Giffnock

RSNO Work Experience
Chloe Hooper, St Ninian's High School, Giffnock                                

Day 1
My first day at work experience was fairly normal. Meaning I spent 15 minutes trying to find the place; panicked when we found out we travelling in a circle and stressed out when we actually managed to find the building!  I’m just thankful that I managed to arrive on time. Looking back, the first five minutes seem like a blur: the tour, the introductions and the trailing up and down the steps leading to different floors. There were a number of steps that lead to even more rooms, looking at the building from the outside you wouldn’t believe how big the space actually is. I drove straight into the work that was given to me by putting away instruments and doing inventory. It was one job after the next and I liked it that way. Everything came easier to me that way and I was comfortable getting on with my work.  I know however that the first day would have been the hardest. It’s easy to feel out of place. There are people who have worked here for years with experience that I can learn a lot from. Going from a fourth-year pupil, sitting in maths jotting down notes, feeling like you're just going through the day, to an office job is strange.  What made it easier was the kind people I worked with.
What I thought I knew I now know; I got a great placement which will teach me a lot about myself and will help me when the time comes that I need to make choices for my career. On the first day, I managed to work efficiently in a professional work environment while overcoming any challenge I was faced with. Which, in this case, is easier done than said since the hardest part of my day was figuring out how to update an iPad (since I’m just terrible with technological stuff the update ended up failing). Overall I can honestly say my first day was a good one.

Day 2
Today I attended a staff meeting which gave me a better insight to the company. I learned about their perspectives and the direction they're steering the company towards. It was interesting to see the department managers giving updates on their teams. I enjoyed hearing about their programs for young people and their workshops for schools. It was fascinating to hear about the upcoming events from a behind the scenes point of view, and learn about the preparation that goes into each event. What interested me the most was hearing about the green team. The green team is successfully reducing the impact the office has on the environment by reducing waste and encouraging staff to make use of public transport or park and ride schemes. It was refreshing to see the results.
Today was also the day I gave updating the iPads another go. Sadly it failed again but today has given me the experience of what office work mainly consists of. Whether it's scanning documents or watching updates, I have to consider if this job is suited to who I am, which is good thing considering this is what work experience is about - taking a look into where you want to take your life.
Day 3
Today, Louise (RSNO Learning Manager) gave me the opportunity to sit and listen to the orchestra itself. They were practicing different pieces for their upcoming concert. During their rehearsal, I knew I had to be quiet and tried not to draw any attention to myself. Attempting that I hid, sitting myself in front of the seats to listen. I couldn’t explain what it was like to hear but if you haven’t heard them I recommend that you come to listen. It's not to be missed! 
The most challenging thing I did today, or maybe even this week, was moving instruments around the building to prepare for workshops. Since I have no upper body strength it was a challenge even lifting three xylophones in the first place (!) but I did choose it rather than taking two trips. I think this was my favourite day out of the week. Three days into my placement and I have gotten to know the place. I know where my desk is, I know the login for my computer, I know the area and if I thought coming here was difficult then sinking back into my original routine for school will be harder.
Day 4
Day four - a Thursday - was uneventful at work, but I suppose that is most days when you have a desk job since you’re at a computer all day. To be more specific, I was asked to update the iPads software from a 7.0.04 to an 8.0.1.  I couldn’t say it was fun at all, but it didn’t bother me. I got stuck straight into it and time flew by fast.  Today felt shorter than any other day this week and that’s probably why I’m stuck for words writing about today. This week is almost done!
Day 5
These past few days have flown in when I expected them last longer. I have a better picture in my head of what I want to do with my life and what I definitely don’t want to do. Which is a great benefit towards making decisions for my future and yet I don’t feel different at all. Are you supposed to feel more mature? Capable? Confident?  I’m not quite sure. I’m grateful for this week. I’m grateful to the RSNO and everyone I worked with in the Learning and Engagement department, and grateful for my teachers helping me find this placement.
I learned valuable lessons and enjoyed working.
Looking forward, I’m excited to leave school one day and make something of my life.

Chloe was part of the RSNO's Work Experience scheme, arranged by the Learning and Engagement Department. All views expressed by Work Experience participants belong to those of the individual and are not representative of the organisation. For more information, visit the RSNO website.

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